(Original post - http://livegreeninplano.blogspot.com/2012/05/what-do-plano-residents-think-about.html)
In late March of this year, Plano Senior High School
(PSHS) Advanced Placement Environment Science (APES) classes participated in a
homework assignment with their families to complete a survey about solar
energy. The survey was completed by over 200
The purpose of the survey was to obtain a sampling of
the views of residents regarding their awareness, interests, concerns, and
potential barriers to deployment of solar energy in Plano. The survey consisted
of approximately 30 questions. These questions were a compilation obtained from
citizen surveys performed in Houston, San Antonio, and Austin over the last few
years. The results from this local survey sample were somewhat similar to the
results of the other Texas cities.
Here is a sample of some of the questions and local
- Which of the following concern you about the future of energy and the environment?
- top responses - increased energy prices; decreased availability of energy;
- How concerned are you about future energy prices?
- 95% responded either very concerned or somewhat concerned
- How likely are you to invest in solar power for your home or to buy a home with solar power already installed?
- 55% responded either very likely or somewhat likely
- How much of a factor is cost in purchasing and installing a solar power system?
- 95% responded either very important or important
- 67% were not aware of existing solar rebates or tax credits
- Aside from the concern of cost, the top three reasons cited for not having pursued installation of a solar power system were:
- Lack of confidence in selecting the proper system
- Don't know where to buy it
- Don't know who would install it
The purpose of this solar energy blog posting and
previous blog postings over the last few months is to increase awareness of
solar energy and its potential in Plano. The sample survey completed by the
group of students' families from PSHS was intended to obtain a better
understanding of the current views and concerns of residents. While this survey
represented only a sample of Plano residents, hopefully these initial results
will help facilitate the implementation of a wider survey of local residents.
The results from a wider survey could enable interested citizens groups to
create action plans to communicate opportunities about the great potential over
the coming years of expanding the deployment of solar energy right here in
And SPECIAL THANKS to the APES teachers and students at Plano Senior High School for their involvement in the process and participation in the survey!
Need more info about promoting the use of solar power
generation in Plano? Please contact me! planosolar@gmail.com
Plano Solar Energy Advocate (LH)
Plano Solar Energy Advocate (LH)